Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr HENDERSON - 2000-02-23

The NT News on 23 December reported the area manager of the Housing Industry Association in the Northern Territory as highlighting the impact the GST was going to have on new house prices in the Territory. He said: ‘A $200 000 house would cost an estimated extra $18 000 with the introduction of a GST’. How does an extra $18 000 tax either assist new home builders or stimulate the local construction industry?


Mr Speaker, I think the member for Wanguri needs to understand that we’re talking about federal government tax on housing, but we have already negotiated with the federal government an increase in funding over the next few years to compensate for the housing extra costs. What will happen is that we will continue our program of building, and we will continue to support the building industry in the Territory, by making sure this Territory government maintains its construction program for quite a number of years. I think you have to remember that that’s what we’re after. We’re trying to increase home ownership, we’re trying to make sure the Territory ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mrs BRAHAM: We have good programs and policies that give home buyers the opportunity to get the best deal they can. We have a good program for the first home buyers and they will get additional assistance from the Commonwealth government when the new tax comes in. Just look at all the things that are happening around the place at the moment to make sure first home buyers ...

Members interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: We are increasing home ownership in the Territory, that’s what’s happening, that’s a fact. We have had an increase in home ownership because this government on this side of the House has policies and programs that gives Territorians an opportunity to own their own home.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016