Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-10-07

In addition to your failed propaganda campaign on statehood you spent tens of thousands of taxpayers’ dollars on public opinion polls conducted by Mark Textor. How much money was paid to this man, who works for the Country Liberal Party regularly, and who brought the disgraceful practice of push polling to the Northern Territory?


Madam Speaker, push polling, really? What an easy allegation to make against someone who is not even in this Chamber, an allegation that has been rejected. It doesn’t matter how often the Leader of the Opposition makes those disparaging remarks about a Territorian. I might add, if you have a look at the flag raising ceremony on Self-Government day, there is a young face in the crowd - it is Mark Textor; and pretty proud that he has gone on to become one of Australia’s leading pollsters. But before you slam him with your scurrilous unfounded and untrue allegations you should get your facts right.

Mrs Hickey: How much money did you pay him?

Mr STONE: Look, what is the problem?

Mrs Hickey: How much money did you pay him? That is the question.

Mr STONE: Are you not capable of listening to answers?

Mrs Hickey: Yes. I would like an answer.

Madam SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, you have been spoken to twice, I am putting you on a warning. You are interjecting far too much this morning.

Mr STONE: I am happy to provide those details, together with the other costings, when they are made available to me. But it was my understanding that, in fact, it was the Bulletin that undertook the polling on behalf of the Northern Territory government. So, when I have all the facts at my finger tips, and I understand he did have an involvement, I will provide full and frank information, consistent with my past practise in this Chamber.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016