Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-08-20

Late last year, the minister was caught purchasing x-rated gay videos in a Kings Cross sex shop. When caught out, he claimed his purchases were part of secret research he was conducting. Soon after the minister’s research came to light, he told this House:

It is my intention, during the course of 1998, to make Territory people more aware of this issue. I will continue to pursue the matter and other matters that are of interest to me in the future.

Nine months have passed since the minister made his unbelievable claims about his research. Will the minister inform Territorians about any further research he has undertaken this year, and specify whether it is similar to his efforts at Kings Cross in 1997?


Madam Speaker, I do not know if I really must respond to this question but I will. The member for Fannie Bay is clearly not interested in these sorts of issues, important as they are.

Since my contribution to this matter in the House last year, legislation has been passed in the United Kingdom to reduce the age of consent for males. I think that is appalling. I think it would be a watering-down of protection for young Australians if it were to apply here. If the member for Fannie Bay is keeping an eye on these matters as I am, she will be aware that this matter was introduced into the Western Australian parliament.

This demonstrates how interested members opposite are. The member for Fannie Bay is having a little tte--tte with her friends and is really not interested in what I am saying. She is just trying to do a bit of muckraking. They do not have the capacity to do anything substantive of benefit to the Northern Territory. However, I am prepared to get into the ring and fight the opposition on any issue, and particularly this one. I know it is of interest and concern to Territorians.

The member asked if I have been pursuing this issue. Yes, I have. If she was interested in these matters, she would know that the matter is to be reintroduced in the Western Australian parliament this month. That is the very legislation to which I referred last year. Once it passes through the legislative process ...

Mr Ah Kit interjecting.

Mr REED: You are not interested either. It is an important issue, because people are concerned about their kids. People are concerned about the legislative protection that children have. If the member for Arnhem is not, I invite him to get up and say so. Personally I am, and I am prepared to say so.

When this matter is debated again in the Western Australian legislature - and that may well occur this week, I am not sure about the exact timing – I will follow what happens. I am still interested in it and I am still pursuing it. I am pursuing it on behalf of families and for the protection of families right across the country.

The point that I made last year was that, once this starts to occur in different legislatures, pressure is brought to bear in other legislatures to do the same by lobby groups who pursue these types of matters. I will maintain an interest in these issues and nothing this grovelling lot over here have to say about it will frighten me away from my commitment to it.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016