Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 2000-06-20

The Territory government has many initiatives in place as part of its law and order policy. I understand the Territory government has won the right to undertake yet another law and order initiative which will serve as a national model. Can the Chief Minister tell Territorians what this law and order initiative is?


Mr Speaker, I am pleased to announce today that the Territory has won $250 000 to pilot, on behalf of the nation, a landmark program for indigenous family violence offenders under the government’s domestic violence strategy.

This $250 000 comes from the Commonwealth partnerships on domestic violence wherein they fund projects that are original, innovative and have the capability to be implemented in other jurisdictions in Australia. This particular program will give us the first data in Australia to compare the results of an offender program offered in prison and by an indigenous organisation. I am particularly pleased that a new partnership is being created with an indigenous organisation to offer this particular program.

CAAPS, the Council for Aboriginal Alcohol Program Services and NT Correctional Services, will be delivering the program during 2000 and indigenous communities have already begun to refer offenders to the CAAPS program. Correctional Services will for the first time offer the program in Alice Springs as well as in Darwin.

It is an example of how the policies of the CLP government, and in this case domestic violence strategy and policies from it, part of our efforts with regards to law and order in the Northern Territory, are picked up and responded to nationally in terms of this particular funding. Unlike the plethora or policies I am seeing coming from the Labor leader, and also interestingly enough some of those wonderful policy launches do not seem to have much ...

Mr Toyne interjecting.

Mr BURKE: Well, where are you in Alice Springs? I understand the truancy policy was a bit of a no show in Alice Springs. No one turned up. No one from the Labor Party turned up for their own truancy policy speech in Central Australia according to the Centralian Advocate. There is an important emphasis on your own policies.

Does anyone see any similarities between these two documents? This is the Labor Party in the Northern Territory’s crime prevention strategy. This is the West Australian Labor Party strategy. They cannot even lay them out differently. Look at page 2, look at page 3. The photos are in the same spot. Labor federally says: ‘We will send you out the computer disk, you fill in the spaces’.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order on both sides!

Mr BURKE: If it were not a disgrace, it would be funny. When the Leader of the Opposition of the Northern Territory proudly stands up in this House and says she is proud of this garbage. She is proud to produce garbage that a first year university student would be thrown out for plagiarism. This is the policy of the Labor Party of the Northern Territory. I have highlighted what comes from Western Australia and Queensland. There is barely a word besides ‘and, but, if’ and ‘Northern Territory’ that does not belong to one of the other documents from those other jurisdictions.

The classic indictment on the property crime policy, or whatever it is called, is on page 9. The whole page is highlighted as stuff that is plagiarised from Western Australia and Queensland and at the top it says:

In a jurisdiction as unique as the Northern Territory, Territorians expect the government to recognise regional differences and implement different solutions to resolve the diverse community safety problems which exist…

and then plagiarises every other state’s policy.

Worse than that, having plagiarised the whole document they then have the hide to give an acknowledgment: ‘To all those many Territorians who assisted in the preparation of this position paper’.

Well, whoever was working the photostat machine, whoever was working the cut and paste machine on the word processor, thank you very much because there is not much else there that comes from Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016