Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1997-12-01

Is he aware that he has participated in an illegal act? Does he believe that he should be encouraging the illegal sale of X-rated material in New South Wales? Does he recognise that he has tarnished his portfolio responsibilities by participating in an illegal act?


Madam Speaker, I walked into a retail outlet, just as anyone else is able to do, and purchased an item.

Mr Bailey: And bought an illegal video.

Mr REED: If that is considered an illegal act on my part, then you have a problem, not me.

Mr Bailey: Thus, if someone said you had gone down the street and bought heroin, like everyone else does, it would be okay?

Mr Coulter: What a really good analogy that is! What retail outlet would you get heroin from?

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: The behaviour of members opposite clearly demonstrates that they are treating with contempt the serious matter that I intended to raise in a very serious and non-emotive way and to support with some material. In years past, when I have expressed a point of view about these issues, members have asked: ‘Where is your evidence? Why don’t you get something to support your point of view? How do we know that what you are saying is correct?’ I intended to pursue the question of the age of consent next February and during the course of the year. I intended to present some substantive documentation and material to support my argument. If members opposite do not think it is an important issue, they should tell the community that they do not care about the age of consent and the protection of impressionable youths, or the other matters that should be considered in that context. I will do what I want to do.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016