Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-08-10

Six weeks ago, the Chief Minister told Territorians he wanted to have a general election on the fate of laws governing native title on pastoral leases, and said he would wipe the floor with Labor. Since his statement 42 days ago, what has he done to achieve a constructive outcome in this area?

Mr Elferink interjecting.

Mrs HICKEY: A point of order, Mr Speaker! The member for MacDonnell suggests that the Leader of the Opposition lied. I think he should withdraw.

Mr SPEAKER: The member should withdraw that comment.

Mr ELFERINK: I withdraw, Mr Speaker.


Mr Speaker, I have written to the Northern and Central Land Councils and written to the Democrats. I am making an appointment to see the Democrats prior to the debate on that legislation. I will do everything possible.

The dialogue between us and the Northern and Central Land Councils has always been open. We have addressed every one of the points that both of the land councils raised in objection to that legislation. The dialogue has been continually open.

Our efforts, in my opinion, have been essentially ignored. But, going by past practices, these things will get some sort of airing a few days before the legislation is debated. I made arrangements in my office today so that, if at all possible, I will personally travel to Canberra to talk to the Democrat decision-makers. I’ve given up on the Labor Party. I will take with me the best and most experienced legal advice to explain our position.

I remain utterly convinced that there is no further step the Northern Territory can take to accommodate the demands of the land councils and the ALP in the passage of this legislation. If the Labor leader has looked at that legislation at all - which I doubt – and if the Labor leader understands it at all – which I doubt – she might suggest what accommodations we could make. But I don’t believe she knows what she is talking about.

You ask me what I am going to do. I and my government energetically got this legislation to the point where it was almost passed, until a Labor senator got up and blocked it. Within hours, that treacherous Labor senator was backed by you. And you go out among Territorians and suggest to Territorians that you’re concerned about their economic development, when you and your colleagues in Canberra can’t get in fast enough to block any effort by this government to move forward on native title issues.

I pose the question back to you. What have you done? What has the Labor leader in this parliament done herself to progress this issue? What dialogue has she opened with the Democrats to progress this issue? What letters has she written and what arguments has she raised with Senator Bolkus in order to progress this issue, to try to turn his mind away from continuing to block that legislation?

I had a conversation with Bob Collins the other day and he said it was the actions of the likes of Bolkus which caused him to retire from parliament. And these are the people that you happily get in bed with! Explain to Territorians what efforts you’ve made to assist us. There are only days to go.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Leader of the Opposition, you’re over the top.

Mr BURKE: Bolkus said it was ‘a technical delay’. He needed to understand the legislation a little more. I understand it. Do you? I’ve argued. Have you? Now let’s see if we can work together and get this legislation passed in September.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016