Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1999-08-11

The residents of Packard Street in the Port Darwin electorate are struggling to have their concerns about the expansion of the naval base heard. Do the Territory Liberals share the concerns of local residents that the proposed expansion presents unacceptable risks for the local residents?


Mr Speaker,I am the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment. I don’t belong to the ‘Territory Liberals’, for a start. It’s the Country Liberal Party that I’m proud of, and proud to represent on behalf of Territorians.

The Packard Street residents have been having their say. In recent times a Senate inquiry committee on defence infrastructure has been in the north to hear of concerns about the expansion of the Larrakeyah area for shipping to defend the Northern Territory coastline.

That defence infrastructure, the expansion of that port, is very welcome news for the Northern Territory. But I do share some of the concerns of the citizens of that area with regard to traffic flows. They have not brought them to me, but I’m happy to meet with those citizens. However, they have had ample opportunity to put their concerns to the relevant body, the Commonwealth body that is looking at the expansion. I ask whether they have made use of that opportunity. I’m certainly happy to meet them and take up their concerns with the relevant ministers. In fact, I met with the minister assisting the Minister for Defence, Bruce Scott, just the other day and raised such concerns about the expansion and what was happening. He gave a very good briefing on the sorts of things they are intending to do in the Northern Territory.

I welcome the defence presence in the north. It’s worth a lot of money to the Northern Territory and to the economy. I certainly look forward to their continued presence in the north.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016