Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-04-30

In his budget speech, the Treasurer asserted: 'This budget, importantly, provides continuing support for businesses'. As if the hikes in power, water and sewerage charges were not enough, the Country Liberal Party government adds insult to injury by slashing $1m from the business services program in the Department of Asian Relations, Trade and Industry - the very program designed to start, diversify, improve or develop Territory businesses and local employment opportunities. How does the minister justify the inconsistency of cutting $1m from funding for assistance to Territory businesses while, at the same time, pretending to be supportive of them?


Madam Speaker, I fail to understand how the opposition is interpreting the budget papers. There is no decrease in support for industry in the Territory. In fact, in some areas, the Territory government has increased its expenditure in support of business. I will be detailing those areas in my second-reading speech in reply to the budget. It will serve the member for Fannie Bay and other opposition members well to listen to the details of that today, and then reread the budget papers. I find it quite disappointing that they have not the capacity to read the detail. They do not have the capacity to listen to what is being presented. It is probably indicative of their level of competence. They do themselves and Territorians a disservice by being so incompetent.

I remind all members that the Territory government's support for business and industry organisations continues to be very high. The results of that support are shown in the fact that we have the lowest unemployment and the highest growth rates in the country. Those results come about because this government is pro-active and supportive of industry in the Territory and will continue that support. I ask the opposition not to try to muddy the waters, but to get fair dinkum. They should talk to their federal members, such as Hon Duncan Kerr, about supporting Territory industry and creating jobs in the Territory. They should not kowtow to their leaders in Canberra on areas that may cost the Territory thousands of jobs. I urge them to get out and do something about assisting the government to create jobs and continue with developing the fastest-growing economy in Australia today.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016