Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms CARTER - 2000-11-30

Can he advise the House of any outcomes flowing from a review into community gaming in the Northern Territory?


Mr Speaker, members would remember that a very extensive and very time-consuming review of community poker machines took place quite some time ago. The government has been deliberating on that review and talking to stakeholders who put submissions in to that review.

The Territory has the highest regulation of community gaming machines in Australia - something that we are very proud of - and that policy will be retained. But later today I will be introducing legislation into the parliament that will allow for community venues to own their own machines and also that the monitoring of community gaming machines will be outsourced to the private sector.

Clubs and hotels will have greater flexibility in the type of machines they own and operate. It is very timely that that occurs. The outsourcing will be greatly appreciated by the private sector. It is something they have been calling for, and I am sure it is something they can take great benefit from in future years.

Also, I am pleased to announce today that the current cap on gaming machines in clubs will remain at its existing level of 45 machines. However, the cap for hotels, which is currently six, will increase to 10. That will allow hotels a more equitable number of machines as compared to clubs.

These reforms obviously reflect a cautious approach by the government - something that, as I have said, we are very proud of, and certainly something that enhances our commitment to harm minimisation and player protection in the community. The over-arching player protection already exists with things like ATMs not being allowed in venues and the ban on note-feeding machines. All of those aspects that are currently there will be maintained, and certainly increased as necessary.

I have informed the Australian Hotels Association today of this new regime and the reforms, and I will be calling on all stakeholders in the very near future to put together a representative group to work through the transitional period to implement these announcements today.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016