Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 2000-10-17

Given the Country Liberal Party government’s apparent concern for anglers to be able to access our foreshores and waterways, can he explain why a favourite fishing and boat launching area, namely Batten Point near Borroloola under the control of the Northern Territory Lands Corporation, now has ‘no trespass’ signs? These signs ban anglers, professional fisherman and traditional owners from entering an area they have used responsibly for years. On whose authority were those signs erected and why?


Mr Speaker, I would say that is a question for the Land Corporation, but let me just say that this is private land and they have every right to put up those signs. There are also public access boat ramps just down the road and I do not know when the member for Barkly was last at the fishing club, I think it was quite a while ago, but I was certainly there recently with my colleagues.

The issue of access to Batten Point was raised with me and it is a matter that I will take up with the Land Corporation. But at the end of the day it is a matter for them. Let me just assure people that there is great public access at King Ash Bay Fishing Club that many Territorians use and should continue to use.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016