Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr AH KIT - 1998-02-17

Last March, the Treasurer cut 2% from the budget of the Power and Water Authority in what he described as a 'budget adjustment'. That cost the Power and Water Authority some $4m. Does he accept that his cuts left the Power and Water Authority in such a sorry state that maintenance programs were cut, inventories of spare parts and replacement parts were run down and new generators could not be purchased? Does he also accept that his so-called budget adjustment created the circumstances that resulted in the Tiwi power blackout?


Madam Speaker, I do not accept the assertions made by the member for Arnhem. What I do accept is that this government has demonstrated its capacity to manage the economy in a way that will benefit Territorians. If they were in government, members opposite would not have the capacity to ensure that their government could live within its means. They would tell Territorians that, in response to every request for money, buckets of money would be given. They would not question priorities. They would not question capacity to pay. They would not question the effect that it would have on Territory taxpayers. They would simply throw money at any problem without questioning the capacity to meet the cost.

The priorities set by the Power and Water Authority over the years in relation to its repairs and maintenance programs have never been questioned. I can assure Territorians that, when the Power and Water Authority has submitted its maintenance programs, we have taken its word that the requirements had to be met to meet the essential services needs of Territorians. The minister has indicated today the extent of funding that has been provided over the last 4 to 5 years for the maintenance activities of the Power and Water Authority. The problem with members opposite is that they do not have the capacity to listen to the answer, let alone to have the capacity to understand that there are requirements in an overall government sense as far as the allocation of funds is concerned. That was demonstrated in the 2% exercise that the member for Arnhem mentioned in his question.

Members opposite can go through the budget papers and see the amount of money that this government has directed over the years to the Power and Water Authority for new capital works and for maintenance programs. Look at what is being done this year. Look at the performance of the Power and Water Authority and the new works that are undertaken to enable us to keep well ahead of supply demands in a growing economy. They cannot even recognise the achievements of the Power and Water Authority in meeting those demands. They are all incompetent and should be ashamed of themselves. As an opposition, they are a disgrace.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016