Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 2000-02-22

Do you agree with the comments from the Labor candidate for Port Darwin this morning on radio when he said that the Commonwealth is not providing small businesses with adequate money in the transition to the GST?


Mr Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition may laugh, but it’s now becoming evident where she gets her economic advice from - at least one quarter of it.

In terms of the new tax system, it will deliver to all Australians, including Territorians, a much fairer taxation regime. One which will see the economy grow, opportunities for people to get jobs and to see the country advance and to put us on a more even keel with our overseas competitors in terms of the removal of taxes on exports.

The Labor candidate for Port Darwin this morning quite clearly indicated that of the $200 the federal government grants provide to small businesses, he charges a very reasonable two thirds of that amount for advice, for an hour’s advice to his clients who want to seek some information on the GST. This man is an accountant, and you can see where the Leader of the Opposition is getting her advice because it is so far askew and clearly demonstrates why she can’t understand the new tax system, because two thirds of $200 isn't $150, it is $133 and a few cents.

I suggest that the Leader of the Opposition and all the members opposite start to focus on the fact that there is going to be the introduction of a new tax system on 1 July this year. That that is going to derive an enormous level of benefits to Territorians. It is going to see an enormous reduction in personal income tax and those benefits will flow through the community. So, two thirds of $200 is not $150, it is $133 and if this is how the would-be member for Port Darwin treats his clients already, two thirds being $150 instead of $130 and he is ripping them off already, what would he do if he was a shadow treasurer and what sort of advice is he giving the Leader of the Opposition?

I suggest that she stops following his advice and starts to focus on the positive nature of the new tax system that will commence later this year.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016