Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1997-12-02

Is he aware that the following video titles are available here without having to go to New South Wales to look for them: Hot Cops, Debbie Does Wall Street, Confessions of a Chauffeur, The Verdict, Shore Leave, Military Issue and Men With Tools? Will he tell the truth about the reasons for his purchase or does he intend to continue with his ridiculous assertions that video titles such as these reflect what is occurring in the workplace?


Isn’t it amazing, Madam Speaker? Yesterday, we did not have a question from the honourable member. When I highlighted that fact earlier today, the Leader of the Opposition quickly scribbled out a question and said: ‘Read this out, Maurice. Redeem yourself so that you can cover up the fact that you had a lend of the microwave and whatever else’. He should not forget his own morals. I am delighted that the member for Arafura is so well informed on these matters, but I am a little perplexed as to ...

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Mr Stone: Debbie Does Wall Street - what is that like?

Mr REED: Yes, is that about making money or what? Tell us what that is about.

Mr Coulter: How many microwave ovens do you need to hire all of those?

Mr REED: I suppose he has a microwave oven of his own now in which they can heat up the soup when they want to sit down to watch the videos. They have a television of their own to watch them on. Clearly, they bolt down all that equipment because they would be concerned that, when the member for Arafura walks in, it might all walk out.

The hide of the member for Arafura, with his morals and his record of past actions, to get up and pursue a matter like this! And the hide of all the members opposite to treat so lightly such an important issue! There are people who are concerned about protecting kids. It is a shame that members opposite are not.

Mr Lugg: Is there one called Hot Car Rollovers?

Mr REED: There may well be, starring Syd Stirling.

Madam SPEAKER: We are in good form today, aren’t we? All of us. That is enough. Let us get down to some serious questions and answers.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016