Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1998-02-17

Over the past few weeks, there has been a very visible presence of United States forces in Darwin. They are here for rest and recreation and obviously have been spending up in the city. What are the financial and business benefits to the Territory of their visits?


Madam Speaker, the question is a very good one because it allows me to describe the beneficial effect that these visiting defence vessels have on our economy. This week, we have alongside the Stokes Hill Wharf the flagship of the United States 7th Fleet, USS Blue Ridge. The Blue Ridge is in Darwin for 4 days and it has been estimated that the crew will spend close to $1m by the time it leaves. That takes into account the R & R activities and resupplying the ship.

Members interjecting.

Mr MANZIE: The opposition thinks this is a joke. Members opposite laugh. It is disappointing for our community that we have a group of people who try to present themselves as an alternative government, but who continually knock any activity of government that creates jobs and wealth. I can recall the days when members of the Northern Territory branch of the Australian Labor Party lobbied very strongly to prevent military vessels visiting our shores and spending money. A previous member of the Leader of the Opposition's staff played a major role in saying we did not want any military bases here, and we did not want any visiting American military personnel. However, that is typical of the Territory branch of the Australian Labor Party. It is against any activity that could create wealth.

Two other vessels, USS Peleliu and USS Juneau, were also in port recently, bringing a total of 3500 marines and crew into Darwin. We have 2 more ships arriving later this week, USS Fife and USS Port Royal, each with 350 crew. The personnel will bring with them considerable disposable income and a willingness to sample our local tourist attractions, our restaurants, our nightlife and our hospitality. That will mean millions of dollars for Territory businesses. It is also worth mentioning that Red Cross and Fire Service members who have been collecting money for the Red Cross Katherine flood appeal have said that these visiting defence members have been very generous in their contributions.

As a government, we will continue to encourage the visits of ships from the United States and other allies. It is estimated that visiting foreign forces inject up to $20m a year into our economy. I urge all Territorians to be supportive of these visits to our city because they create jobs and wealth for Territorians.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016