Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1997-12-04

Fishermen know that the recently-constructed boat ramp near Rock Island at Dundee Beach is a serious accident waiting to happen. The minister has ignored their pleas for action to date. When will the minister take action to prevent a serious accident occurring at the boat ramp?


Madam Speaker, I have not been to Dundee for some time, but I understand the problems in launching boats at Dundee. It is not easy to get them into and out of the water there. The government has provided some relief by way of assistance in the construction of rock walls etc to try to make it a little easier.

Mr Bailey: There is a design problem with ...

Mr COULTER: Have you been there?

Mr Bailey: Yes.

Mr COULTER: That is good.

Mr Bailey: After representations about the danger of trying to launch boats on that ramp ...

Mr COULTER: It is well known. As I said, I have not been there, but I intend to go there to see just what the problems are. I have spoken to the developers about it. I understand there is an amount of money that has not yet been expended, and my department is working with the developers now. I understand also that no progress payments have been made to the developers to date. I am aware that this is a serious issue and that people want something done about it. There will always be problems getting boats into and out of the water there simply because prevailing winds make that difficult from time to time. I assure the honourable member that I will provide him with a more detailed briefing on the progress to date and the discussions that are occurring between my department and the developer.

Mr Bailey: Who is liable if somebody is killed or injured?

Mr COULTER: I should think that you enter the water at your own risk wherever you are launching a boat.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Member for Wanguri, you have been warned once already.

Mr COULTER: As I said, I will provide the honourable member with a more detailed briefing before the day is finished.

Madam SPEAKER: I am surprised the member for Wanguri did not allow the member for Arafura to hear the answer to his question in silence. He should have some consideration for the member who asks the question.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016