Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MITCHELL - 1997-12-01

Confidential Labor Party polling showed 2 major reasons why Labor failed so miserably at the recent Territory election. What were they?


Madam Speaker, the overwhelming finding of the ALP’s own polling was: ‘We are seen as being weakly led and not trusted to govern’.

Mr Stirling: When did we do it?

Mr STONE: You did this in November, remember? You told the media that it was the CLP, preparing for its push-polling.

Members interjecting.

Mr STONE: Are you denying it now? The member for Nhulunbuy is interjecting that it was not the ALP. They cannot be trusted because they told Territorians that it was not the ALP that was polling, but it was. The ALP commissioned the major poll. It was their party. Members opposite have denied it until now. It is a very good illustration of why no one could ever trust Labor, because Labor will tell lies. It said that it was not the party doing the polling. To this very day, members opposite are still denying it.

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Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Mr STONE: It was you. It was you, and it was the Labor Party that did the polling. You have been caught out badly. You cannot be trusted ...

Members interjecting.

Mr Bailey: The secretary went on the radio about it.

Mr STONE: You cannot be trusted. He went on the radio and then he denied it. You tried to put it back on to the CLP. I hope the people listening to this broadcast will have their memories pricked about the Labor Party and what it told them when it tried to convince them that it was not doing the polling. It tried to peddle the story that it was the CLP preparing for this so-called push-polling. What did their poll tell them? I will tell members what it told them: ‘We are seen as being weakly led and not trusted to govern’. Nothing has changed!

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016