Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1999-08-18

When the member for Victoria River was Minister for Aboriginal Development, he made undertakings to my constituents in Ali Curung to help with government support to build a swimming pool in that community, to provide opportunities for recreation and health improvement. Nothing happened. Has that issue been forwarded to the current minister, and what will she do to assist my constituents in Ali Curung?


Mr Speaker, the member for Barkly - still the member for Barkly at the moment – raises what she believes was a commitment by the previous Minister for Aboriginal Development. My investigations have indicated that there was no such strong commitment made by the minister. But we will take up the case. We will be following it through. We are investigating exactly what happened at that time.

The member for Barkly has made statements that probably are not incorrect. She needs to understand - I am getting a response back to her – that there was no strong commitment to assist with a swimming pool.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016