Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 2001-06-06

Minister, several weeks ago you announced that tenders were being sought for the construction of a railway embankment and container terminal at East Arm Port, another good example of this CLP government creating jobs and more jobs for Territorians. Minister, do you have any further information on the progress of this tender process?


Mr Speaker, originally, on the 6 April I think when we called tenders from a list of selected tenderers, it was intended to close those tenders on the 16 May. However, due to a number of technical issues that needed to be resolved in terms of the tender, that tender closed today and will be assessed over the next four weeks.

On 20 June, we will be calling further tenders for the construction of 110 metre wharf extension to cater for the bulk liquids terminal and that is a project worth some $35m in our estimates. This project is estimated to be worth $30m and next year we will be calling for tenders for the construction of the pipelines to service the bulk liquids terminal. So another $5m and that is a total project cost in stage 2A of East Arm Port of $70m. That does not take into account the potential to service methanol plants out of the East Arm Port and the bulk facilities that they will bring with them. The very real profitability that will provide to the Port Corporation and investment then reaching near on $200m will be a real asset to the people of the Northern Territory.

It is the visionary outlook of this government that allows these projects to happen. It is our ability to borrow money for capital infrastructure such as this that allows us to position ourselves as the premier export port in Australia. This government will come back into office riding on the back of these great projects, these great visionary infrastructure projects that this country so much needs and so much requires.

I am proud to stand here and announce that tenders close today and on 20 June we will be going for further tenders for the bulk liquids.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016