Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1997-11-26

The minister said publicly that he intended to call for development proposals for the site of the old Alice Springs jail. Why is he hell-bent on knocking down the jail when it is likely that the development proposals could incorporate the heritage buildings? Has he done a development deal with someone? If so, who and what is involved? Does the minister intend to knock down the old Alice Springs jail, or will he abide by the wishes of the people of Alice Springs and leave it in place?


Madam Speaker, it is the intention of this government to continue with the clearing of the site of the old Alice Springs jail, firstly, to allow for commercial development and, secondly, to allow for the future expansion of Alice Springs Hospital. In making the court order, the judge found that I had acted ultra vires in terms of section 33 of the Heritage Conservation Act. It is the intention now to go through the processes laid down in that act as defined by the judge.

As for public support or otherwise for the demolition of the old Alice Springs jail, I point the member for Stuart to the editorial in today's NT News. It is very interesting ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! Minister, do not continue while members are interjecting in this way.

Mr PALMER: It is very interesting that, when the NT News or other media outlets support Labor Party policy and support the aspirations of members opposite, they are perceived by them to be fairly reflecting the views of the community. They are there to rein in the government and reflect the views of the people they represent or provide services to.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr PALMER: However, when those same media outlets support the views of the Northern Territory government, they are derided as being unrepresentative and as being in the pocket of big business and big government. Members opposite cannot have it both ways. Either the NT News clearly and fairly reflects the views of the community or it does not. They cannot say that it does when it suits their purposes and at other times does not. As I said, I refer the honourable member to the editorial in today's NT News which unequivocally supports the demolition of the old Alice Springs jail.

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Mr Bailey: The experts who wrote the editorial in the NT News know better than your own Heritage Advisory Council - that is what you are saying.

Mr PALMER: What I am saying is that, in terms of theHeritage Conservation Act, the provisions of which were recently clarified in the Supreme Court of the Northern Territory, we will be making further application for the demolition of the old Alice Springs jail.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016