Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr MILLS - 2000-02-24

I, like many other members, have heard talk about a proposed prawn farm at Shoal Bay. Can the Chief Minister outline the measures that are being taken by this government to assure the community that the proposal is being adequately assessed.


Mr Speaker, it is a very important question. It is something that has been on my mind for some time. It was a comment I raised in the first interview around Christmas, that the issue of that particular aquaculture project and the concern being expressed about this project was something that government was very interested in and concerned to ensure that all due processes were followed to ensure the best outcomes achieved for Territorians.

On Tuesday evening in this Assembly, the minister for fisheries outlined the aquaculture ventures that have been developed in or near the Darwin Harbour over the last decade. He commented that they added to the economic output of the region and demonstrated that aquaculture can coexist with other user groups and their needs in the harbour. The Northern Territory government has responded to this interest and established an aquaculture centre to provide industry support, research and development, and training. It has strong links with the Northern Territory University and similar institutions, both interstate and overseas.

However, before any new aquaculture venture proceeds, it is critical that the proposal is adequately assessed to ensure it is compatible with the beneficial use objectives for Darwin Harbour, as outlined by the minister for the environment this week. The public environment report prepared by the proponent for the Howard River Project provides the detailed base information needed to assess the potential impacts on the environment. I am also, as I said, extremely aware of the public interest in the proposal, particularly from recreational fishermen and the Amateur Fishermen’s Association.

I’ve heard also, and one can’t ignore, the emotive allegations that that environmental report will somehow be whitewashed by government. I can say that whilst I have much faith in the integrity of the consultants who produced that PER and the professionals within the public service who will assess the PER, I’m concerned to ensure that public perception is entirely satisfied.

I can assure the community that this government will not allow any aquaculture development to proceed that would have an unacceptable impact on the Darwin Harbour environment. Therefore, in that regard, the Amateur Fishermen’s Association will receive a grant to enable an independent consultant to be employed by the association to review the PER and provide comments to the government during the public review period. Similarly, and in addition, I have instructed the minister for the environment to also commission an independent consultant to review the PER and provide comment. Therefore, in addition to the usual extensive government agency assessment of the PER, there will be 2 independent assessments during the public review period.

We have a process which government must follow, a process which government will ensure is absolutely transparent. We have to send a message nationally and internationally that this government is keen to have new projects and developments in the Northern Territory, including aquaculture projects. That’s one objective of government.

Another objective of government is to ensure that all environmental aspects of any development are well and truly safeguarded, that’s absolute as far as the government is concerned, and the minister for the environment will be charged with that task.

Thirdly, with regards to recreational fishermen and their lifestyle, which is fundamental to my Foundations For Our Future objective, I can say to those recreational fishermen, I am watching this very closely and if I see the slightest hint that the concerns of recreational fishermen are being compounded by any development in the Northern Territory I will ensure that their interests are protected. That is fundamental to government’s objective and it’s well and truly outlined in our lifestyle statements.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016