Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-02-24

Following the meeting of Labor leaders in Burnie, Tasmania last week, the Liberal leaders of Australia issued a joint press release, and I seek leave to table that press release.

Leave granted.

Ms MARTIN: The interesting thing about this is the Chief Minister is described as ‘a Liberal Party leader’. Not one word is said about the Country Liberal Party at all, just Denis Burke as Liberal Party leader.

Doesn’t this prove once and for all that this mob is just a branch of the Liberal Party controlled by Canberra.


Mr Speaker, the Leader of the Opposition has a major problem on her hands. She knows that she is now inextricably tied to the Messiah Kim Beazley. She knows that she has unfortunately not paid attention to what happened in Burnie and she signed up to a sell-out of Territorians. She is yet to explain in one word or phrase exactly what she understands she has actually signed up to, because the day she starts explaining herself is the day Territorians and this government will start asking some probing questions.

Mr Stirling: You are corrupt.

Ms Martin: You are a corrupt minister.

A Member: A point of order, Mr Speaker!

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is a point of order. You cannot refer to the Chief Minister as corrupt. You know that, and that is going over the top and I would ask you both to withdraw one at a time.

Ms MARTIN: I withdraw.

Mr STIRLING: I withdraw.

Mr BURKE: With regards to the Country Liberal Party, that’s for the judgement of Territorians, not the fatuous comments of the Leader of the Opposition. It is proudly a Territory party, born in the Territory, run by Territorians with policies developed by Territorians and in the best interests of Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016