Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BALCH - 1999-02-16

The Chief Minister referred to a newspaper’s headlines and the now famous article which summed up the new Opposition Leader’s approach to politics. ‘Martin starts the old-fashioned way by lying’ was the headline. Can the Chief Minister highlight the difference between his parliamentary team compared to the disorganised collection of members opposite.


Mr Speaker, I can say one thing. I am very proud to lead the CLP team which was announced formally this morning. It is also the most experienced ministerial team in Australia at present. There would be something like 50 years of ministerial experience in this particular team. In comparison, the opposition has none.

This particular ministerial team has oversighted the development of tourism in the Northern Territory, which has resulted in something like a tenfold increase in tourism since self-government or in more recent times than that. It resides over the lowest unemployment figures that compare extremely favourably with other jurisdictions in Australia. There is high economic growth compared to the average economic growth in Australia. They are ministers who have presided, and continue to preside, over something that is coming to fruition, I am proud to say, which is the railway. There is the new port – one of the most modern seaports or the most modern seaport in Australia. We have already committed money to a further stage of that development. The Minister for Primary Industries, oversighted the live cattle trade. I can tell you that, with respect to his portfolio, the number of letters that I have received praising the Minister for Primary Industry and Fisheries for his efforts and achievements with our live cattle exports and his ongoing efforts, with success, in establishing new markets is something to be applauded.

Previous Chief Ministers - and one, Marshall Perron, was in this Chamber today - have been responsible for raising the profile of the Northern Territory, both nationally and internationally and, in particular, our relationships with South-East Asia are second to none.

In comparison, the opposition that sits opposite has no experience in government. They are coming from what is a ritual ideology, and that is to oppose essentially everything the CLP puts up. Where they have some experience, they get rid of it. I am particularly saddened that the member for Wanguri has lost his portfolio of deputy. Certainly the pay rise was something that he had lobbied for, for some time, and he never even had the chance to enjoy it before he was dumped. I can tell you also that when it comes to Treasury matters, there was some respect on this side of the Chamber for the efforts that the member for Wanguri did put in, in trying to understand the detail and difficulties of that particular portfolio.

But now we have the new Leader of the Opposition, and the message is ‘Clare’. She is proud of the federal ALP, proud of their involvement in developing ALP policy, but she can’t quite get herself to put the ALP logo on her pamphlets. You will see it occasionally, but not very often.

There is the message for the team opposite. The message is ‘Clare’. We wish you well, but she is not a team player.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016