Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 1998-10-06

During the lead up to the statehood referendum the Chief Minister abused Territorians for Democratic Statehood and dismissed them as ‘wreckers’ - his words. Does he now accept this group has a legitimate role in shaping our future path to statehood and does he agree the issues raised by this group must be addressed in an inclusive process?

Madam SPEAKER: Before the Chief Minister answers, I think Territorians who are listening to this broadcast would appreciate being able to hear his answer. I ask opposition members at least to give him the opportunity to do so.


Madam Speaker, I did not abuse anybody. Let us be very clear about that. I might have made an observation or a comment but to say that I abused someone implies something a lot worse than that by the member Fannie Bay, Clare Martin. The Territorians for Democratic Statehood said something else. They said that both sides of politics should get out of the frame. And that message is still not being heard on the other side.

Mr Stirling: It was heard a year ago.

Mr STONE: Oh, it is his turn next, is it? You? Really, what a bunch of amateurs you are!

Mr Stirling: What a loser!

Madam SPEAKER: Chief Minister, would you get on with your answer?

Mr STONE: Was that interjection I just heard from the Power of One? Who is the loser?

At least I have had the courage of my convictions to walk in here today and accept responsibility for what has transpired.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr STONE: It is a very serious matter, Madam Speaker. As I have said, by all means, my shoulders are broad. But commentators who do their job properly will make their own assessment of who did what during this failed campaign. For it was a failed campaign, and one that I have accepted responsibility for.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016