Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-08-11

What amount of money has been allocated to the educational campaign for the statehood referendum that we heard announced today? Can the minister guarantee that the campaign will not be a repeat of the Territory Day supplement, recently produced by the Chief Minister’s Department on which $50 000 of taxpayers’ money was spent to promote Country Liberal Party members of parliament. Madam Speaker, I seek leave to table a copy of this shameful misuse of taxpayer’s money.

Leave granted.

Mrs HICKEY: Will the Chief Minister’s department, or an independent person or body, be charged with the important responsibility of conducting an informative but politically neutral campaign?


Madam Speaker, I assure members of the Assembly and, indeed, all Territorians that the government will approach the referendum question seriously. It will be given the attention that all Territorians would expect from the government. The referendum will be conducted in an arena of fairness and openness. It will provide Territorians with the opportunity to express their views in relation to the Territory and the possibility of the Territory becoming a full member of the Australian federation of states. I can only hope that the Leader of the Opposition and other members opposite will also take the matter seriously and give it their full commitment.

With regard to that part of the question that related to funding, appropriate funding will be made available to ensure that Territorians are correctly and fairly advised about the future of the Territory as a state, which will assist people in their deliberations and in considering their response in the referendum.

In closing, I just say that members on this side of the House look forward to that referendum. We look forward to the opportunity that is being provided to Territorians to comment on the advancement of the Northern Territory, and the Territory becoming a full adult member, in parliamentary and Australian terms, in the Australian federation of states. I hope that the Labor Party can join us in that vein.

Members: Hear, hear!
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016