Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1997-11-27

Yesterday, the minister said he intended to knock over the old Alice Springs jail. Does he accept that this action is opposed by the majority of Alice Springs people? The council survey shows that 61% of people want the buildings retained. Will the minister tell this House why he is so intent on riding roughshod over the wishes of the majority of Alice Springs people?


Madam Speaker, I do not accept that the majority of the people of Alice Springs are opposed to the demolition of the old Alice Springs jail. Given that I do not accept that premise, the answer to the rest of the question is probably irrelevant. However, let me say that the government intends to continue with the process of the demolition of the jail. We will clear the site and make part it available for commercial development, for the better planning and the better development of the town of Alice Springs.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016