Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms MARTIN - 2000-08-08

The definition of a recession is two quarters of negative growth. Since he has been Chief Minister, ABS trend data shows the Territory has recorded negative growth in state final demand (do you understand what state final demand is?) for every quarter, and that is four of them. As we all know, this is the best measure of onshore economic activity that is available - Treasury’s own figures. While the rest of Australia is enjoying positive economic growth, isn’t this a case of the Chief Minister bringing Territorians the recession we did not have to have?


Mr Speaker, the best definition of recession as a political leader is that when you are away doing one thing, the troops are at home taking over the throne. That is what has happened with the member for Wanguri, who was busy climbing up onto the throne while his leader were away. I would say that is a political leader in recession.

I can only say again that if the Leader of the Opposition is truthful in her belief that somehow the economic situation in the Northern Territory is not in good shape, pray tell me and others why you do not want an election. Simple logic would tell you that this would be the perfect time, as the Leader of the Opposition, to bring out all those facts and convince Territorians that you are right.

The reality is that Territorians know they are in a great economic situation in the Northern Territory. They know they are about to get a railway. They know the construction of the railway is about to be commenced, in the face of a Leader of the Opposition’s saying it was ‘a faded dream’ for Territorians. They know they have one of the best lifestyles in the world, in the face of the Leader of the Opposition’s saying if you want to live in this sort of environment you may as well live in an apartheid regime. They know that the CLP government, under my leadership and subsequent Chief Ministers, will look after them. And they know it would be the end of the game if this mob opposite ever took over.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016