Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-08-16

My question is directed to the Treasurer, given the inability of the Chief Minister to answer the first question from the Leader of the Opposition. Yesterday, the Treasurer and his colleagues spent the whole day lauding the professionalism and commitment of Territory public servants. We stand here and agree with them. But after two out of three of the last Territory elections, the first thing the CLP government did was shake up the public service. The ERC after the 1990 election axed 1200 jobs. Those who survived that process were struck again after the 1997 election with the infamous Planning for Growth strategy, which cost rather than saved money, thanks to the Treasurer again. Neither of these processes were put to public servants prior to going to the election. The government now has the trigger set in the public service award to slash public servants’ leave provisions by two weeks a year. Why, with the government’s track record, should any public servant or their family believe you will protect their lifestyle and maintain their current conditions of employment?


Mr Speaker, both the Deputy Leader and Leader of the Opposition have priors for getting up and making bland, open statements in relation to a whole range of matters without getting to the central issue. The reason they do not, of course, is that it would answer their question. So they muddy the waters, put out very emotive statements like ‘all public servants are about to lose two weeks leave’. It is like the scare campaign that we saw throughout the year or two’s lead-up to the introduction of the new tax system. It is classic Labor philosophy and policy - if you can’t get your message across or, worse still in their case, if you don’t have a message or strategy to sell, then you go out misleading people.

Mr Stirling: Is it four weeks or is it six?

Mr SPEAKER: Order, member for Nhulunbuy!

Mr REED: Calm down, Syd. Go and take your pills. Yes, he has given you the right info there. For once in your life, take some advice and shut up. That is what your colleague just told you. Even his colleague doesn’t trust him. You can see the problems that they have opposite, not having a policy or strategy of their own to actively promote and be positive and constructive. Listen to your comrade, the member for Stuart. He just gave you the best advice you have received for some time.

The opposition, having misrepresented the facts in relation to taxation reform, having created unnecessary concern across the community that a new ice age would descend upon us on 1 July when the new taxation system came into place, are now going to attempt – as a Labor Party! - to destabilise the Northern Territory public service and distract public servants from providing the excellent service that they do to Territorians. That is the gutter they sit in. That is the workplace they occupy. If they want to do that, fine, because that is the reputation that they are going to have to stand by.

As for the detail of what the honourable member is getting at, I will provide him a full and detailed response at the end of these sittings.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016