Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Ms CARTER - 2000-05-16

Could the minister advise what the current situation is with the development of a new police station in the centre of Darwin?


Mr Speaker, that question is rather on a more positive note. It is constructive and wanting to get something done, rather than the members opposite.

Following the announcement by government last year that we would be proceeding to establish a new police station in central Darwin to replace that which exists just across the road near the TIO building, expressions of interest were called from developers to determine the level of interest and who might be wanting to participate in that project.

Interestingly, in the by-election that the good member for Port Darwin took part in there was no reference to this matter that I recall from the Labor candidate. There was a complete and utter lack of interest in the provision of police services to the people of Port Darwin. Yet I do recall some communication and some public statements from the now member for Port Darwin that related to this important project. Obviously that is why she got the job and the Labor candidate didn’t.

As I said, expressions of interest were called. There were 8 responses from companies who are now being assessed in relation to their proposals. The development, in broad terms, would include the provision of the Darwin local police office as an entity, Darwin City Police Station, Regional Command and CIB fraud squad offices, watch house and related facilities, Northern Territory Police Fire and Emergency Services executive offices, some car parking, of course, and other backup services. It will be a comprehensive facility that will serve very well the city of Darwin and its environs. More importantly, from a police officer point of view, it will provide modern facilities with updated equipment that will provide a professional service to the people of the Northern Territory.

I am delighted with the interest that the honourable member is showing in this particular project, as opposed to the Labor candidate during the course of the election.

The submissions, as I say, are currently being assessed. I would expect there to be a paper coming to Cabinet in the not too distant future, so that some further progress can be made in relation to reaching who the preferred developer might be. I am looking forward to being able to further advise the honourable member on that occasion.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016