Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 1998-02-25

I have sent the minister a copy of these questions so that he might have a chance to answer them today. Yesterday, I pointed out that the Australian Bureau of Statistics figures show that the Territory has the lowest retention rate to Year 12 of any place in Australia. My questions to the minister are as follows. Does the minister agree that this poor retention rate demonstrates failure by his administration? Is it not a fact that the figures are actually worse than stated because a large number of Territory teenagers do not have a secondary program to go to? Is it not a fact that the Chamber of Commerce and Industry has expressed concern about these low retention rates because they affect Territory skill levels? Finally, is it not a fact that this situation is a threat to the long-term prosperity and development of the Territory? These are straightforward questions to which we expect straightforward answers.

Mr POOLE: A point of order, Madam Speaker! Standing order 68 states quite clearly that no member 'shall anticipate the discussion of any subject which appears on the Notice Paper, provided that, in determining whether discussion is or is not in order on the ground of anticipation, regard shall be had by the Speaker to the probability of the matter anticipated being brought before the Assembly within a reasonable time'. My understanding is that there is to be an MPI on this later this morning. This is an absolute waste of time.

Madam SPEAKER: The MPI is on the Notice Paper, but I will invite the minister to answer. If he wishes to answer, he may do so or he can wait until the MPI and give his answer then.


Madam Speaker, one of the reasons yesterday why I did not address every single issue that the member raised was that he rattled off about 5 different points. I could not write notes quickly enough. I was not avoiding any question. We will have the chance to debate this later, but I wish to make a couple of points now.

If the member is talking only about education to Year 12, he has a very narrow view of the education system in the Northern Territory. He made a comment, for instance, about the Chamber of Commerce. Half the strategies that it suggests would see a lowering of apparent retention rates. The reason is that, under strategies such as putting vocational education and training (VET) programs into schools, students can do enough part-time and not be included in the retention figures. At the moment, a person can be attending school, doing school subjects, and not appear in the statistics as a retained student. I am more than happy to arrange a briefing on that situation. We are introducing some of the things the Chamber of Commerce suggests, and apparent retention rates will drop further. That is not necessarily a bad thing. The students will still have access to education, but it will not necessarily be of a secondary school nature.

The situation as it relates to the long-term prosperity of the Northern Territory is simply that we have the best education system in Australia supplying the most dynamic economy in Australia. Students are leaving school to get jobs. There is a very simple correlation. It is no coincidence that students tend to stay on in high schools in Tasmania where there is no work to be had.

Years 11 and 12 do not provide the only access to education in the Northern Territory. The member for Stuart is living in a very sheltered environment. I shall be happy in the debate later today to provide an ABS table that shows that Northern Territory access to education and

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participation in education for ages 15 to 19 are as good as anywhere else in the country. He quoted ABS figures yesterday ...

Mrs Hickey: Rubbish!

Mr ADAMSON: The Leader of the Opposition says that is rubbish. When we have the MPI debate later today, I shall table figures that show that access and participation in education for ages 15 to 19 in the Northern Territory are as good as the average for the rest of Australia.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016