Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr TOYNE - 2001-07-04

The present provision of classrooms and facilities at Woodroffe Primary School is totally inadequate. Some classes are being held in the library and some classes are moved constantly from room to room due to the lack of classroom space. The school has been forced to turn away 24 pre-school students because of its accommodation difficulties. Minister, Woodroofe Primary School urgently needs additional classrooms and this need must be addressed immediately. When will you act?


I thank the member for his question because it gives me the chance to highlight that things have already happened way ahead of him. He is slow, as usual. This is an excellent school. The Principal there, Maureen Devine, is doing a terrific job and she is attracting people to her school because of the excellent programs that are delivered in that school. We do have very strong growth in the Palmerston and rural area, and it is because of the opportunities that are created by this government that people do want to come here. It is seen as an attractive place. They enjoy the jobs and the prosperity it brings, and they want to be part of the Territory.

That gives us a challenge in our school system, particularly in the growth areas. This is being addressed. I have put out the word on this. Temporary classrooms are going to be moved in very soon to cater for the rest of the semester for those kids, and we expect that that school will be the subject of capital works in the near future to extend the capacity from 420 to 480. It is difficult in the short-term and I accept that, but I guess that is a problem with running a good school, running a good system, running a great government, and attracting people here to take up the opportunity that all those things are going.

We have further challenges in that area. We do have to expand our capacity. But it is a good story; it is a problem I actually do not mind having because it is a sign of a healthy and robust Territory.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016