Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1999-04-21

I understand from some publicity going around that the Territory branch of the federal ALP have imported an expert to tell them how better to attract Territorians. Perhaps the Chief Minister can respond.


We have a couple of facts on the table, Mr Speaker …

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister has the floor.

Mr BURKE: Fact 1: the CLP is an independent party run by Territorians ...

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: … run by Territorians with policies developed by Territorians. I’ll pick up the interjections from the members opposite. As I’ve said on many occasions before, no matter who Shane Stone works for or no matter what business card Shane Stone carries, he will never affect the independence of the Liberal Party or the National Party. He will never affect the independence of the CLP.

Fact 2: the Labor Party of the Northern Territory is run by Canberra and its policies are developed from Canberra. The honourable member refers to a radio interview on 25 March. Territorians will be interested to know that the federal president of the Labor Party, Barry Jones, will be coming to Darwin this month. The dates given were 23 and 24 April. He was said to be coming to see how the Labor branch could become more effective, how it could attract new members, and how the party could better reflect the aspirations of Territory residents. I’m not sure if he’s actually coming. The members opposite might wish to confirm that for us because, on our inquiries to his office, they could neither confirm or deny.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The Chief Minister will resume his seat for a moment.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! There is far too much interjection at the present time. A short, sharp interjection is quite acceptable but the continual interjections that we’re hearing at the present time are just over the top. It is impossible for people to really hear what the Chief Minister is saying. I would appreciate it if members will hear him in reasonable silence.

Mr BAILEY: A point of order, Mr Speaker! I am just curious. Under standing order 109, the minister is to answer questions on matters for which he has responsibility.

Mr SPEAKER: The Chief Minister has a fairly broad range of responsibilities. I will hear the answer to his question, and I would appreciate it if it is heard in reasonable silence.

Mr BURKE: I answered the question directed. The question was, how do we win the support of Territorians? I say by being an independent Territory party with policies developed in the Northern Territory for Territorians, unlike the members opposite. I’m intrigued as to whether Mr Barry Jones is actually arriving, because I understand from his office that he may have been double-booked and may not be coming at all, which I think would be quite disappointing.

I am also curious as to how Mr Barry Jones can develop policies for the ALP in the Northern Territory when in fact there was a policy vacuum nationally. I don’t know who the national party are going to bring in to develop their policy. Maybe they could bring in Tony Blair. He’s been fairly successful lately. They could get him to develop the national policies and get Barry Jones to develop the policies for the Northern Territory. The ALP in the Northern Territory could do something quite unique. They could do something quite revolutionary - ask a Territorian. If they ask a Territorian to develop policies for the ALP in the Northern Territory, they may have some success in the future.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016