Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-10-07

Will you confirm that you spent more than $600 000 of taxpayers’ money conducting your propaganda campaign on statehood, and will you specify exactly how much you spent and on what?


Madam Speaker, we, the Parliament, who voted for the ‘yes’ case, went out and ran an education program that didn’t work. It didn’t work, but it laid a good, firm foundation. I am happy to provide the detailed costings. I have not tried to walk away from what this cost. I have been up front, open and transparent about it. So don’t say that I spent it – we spent it.

This is the problem with the Labor Party. This is ‘us’. This is us here, and 7 Pontius Pilates are sitting on the other side. I am telling you now – the Territory public is watching.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016