Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr BAILEY - 1998-10-13

Madam Speaker, my question without notice is directed to the Chief Minister. The Chief Minister has claimed that he has heard the people say that they want him to butt out of the statehood process. Why is it then that he says that he is planning on spending more taxpayers’ money to obtain polling data on statehood? My questions are, why is he spending public moneys again so that he can call the shots, and when will the Chief Minister ever really get the message?


Madam Speaker, what an extraordinary question! Last week, you were telling me to go out there and find out what the people were thinking, and now you are saying it is outrageous that I am going out there to do some research. The reality is that it is a function of government which will be undertaken.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016