Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-06-14

Yesterday in this House it was revealed that as part of last week’s extravagance the government wasted at least $70 000 of taxpayers’ money on an invitation-only al fresco dinner outside the Chan Building. Why was there a dinner at Northern Territory taxpayers’ expense at all, when just up the road a dinner was hosted by the Commonwealth for all APEC delegates with, I am told, plenty of seats to spare? After 26 years, doesn’t this just demonstrate that the CLP’s No 1 priority is to throw parties rather than fund services for Territorians?


Mr Speaker, a function at MGM Grand was hosted by the Commonwealth. I attended that function as well as attending the al fresco dinner. As the Deputy Leader of the Opposition well knows, the function at the MGM Grand was by invitation only of the Commonwealth. Frankly ...

Ms Martin: For APEC delegates.

Mr BURKE: It was a very select invitation list. The Leader of the Opposition says it was for APEC delegates. A very small, select number of people who were invited to that dinner. I went to that dinner after going to the al fresco dinner here. I had the opportunity to sit with the Indonesian Trade Minister and it was very enjoyable conversation we had.

With regard to the al fresco dinner, I understand from figures that were given by minister Manzie yesterday that it was budgeted at $70 000, $20 000 of which came from sponsorship from the Macquarie Bank. I understand that upwards of 1000 people attended that dinner. I am not sure if Techy Masero’s efforts in the park were included in the cost.

The dinner was purposely held by me because I believed it was very important. There were a large number of international media, a large number of supporting staff, and a large number of Territorians who were interested in the conference, including business people who have the opportunity to network with their counterparts. In many respects, some of the aides are extremely influential and it is better to get to them than to the ministers themselves, because they are the real decision-makers. And I understand that later in the evening many of the trade ministers themselves who attended the formal dinner that I was involved in also came back to the al fresco dinner.

These sorts of things can easily be turned and twisted by irresponsible, small-minded people such as the opposition to try to get some sort of a grab in terms of extravagant waste by the Northern Territory government. As far as I am concerned, it was a proud week for me to be a Territorian and Chief Minister, to see how well Territorians responded to that conference. One only has to see the record - I don’t have it with me at the moment - the transcript of minister Vaile, who applauded the Northern Territory for its efforts in setting up that conference.

The value to the Northern Territory is inestimable, in my opinion. The Leader of the Opposition may laugh at the fact that we had an al fresco dinner, laughingly claim that this was a wasteful conference. But she might consider the fact that one of the most respected trade ministers that Australia has ever produced, Tim Fischer, went out of his way and fought hard to get that conference into Darwin because he realised its importance to Darwin and the Northern Territory.

These things are not cheap to hold. They require enormous amounts of support and effort. There are a whole range of organisations that should be applauded for their effort, not the least being the police. Lorraine Swan, Ken Hawkins and others from Asian Relations and Trade did an absolutely superb job.

The atmosphere that was provided for those ministers was astounding to them. The leader of the World Trade Organisation arrived at Darwin Airport and asked how many security staff were being provided. He was told 10. He said: ‘I need at least 20’. That is the atmosphere he normally moves in. Within about four hours he didn’t have any around him as far as I could see, and he was very comfortable. That is the atmosphere that is needed to provide the type of environment for the issues that needed to be discussed.

The Leader of the Opposition and others can try hard to embarrass the NT government over hosting that conference. Try as hard as you like. Go down to the Roma Caf and have a big bitch with your mates. But the average Territorian out there is pretty proud of that conference, pretty proud of what happened. Those of us who move in circles where real Territorians are know that they support that ideal.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016