Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-08-20

I again refer to the democratic movement occurring in Indonesia, and the concern that many Territory residents have about the East Timor conflict. Does the Chief Minister agree that the democracy movement represents an exciting opportunity for a lasting resolution of the East Timor situation? Does the Chief Minister agree that the ongoing imprisonment of the East Timorese leader, Xanana Gusmao, is an impediment to reaching a lasting resolution? Will the Chief Minister join with Labor, his federal colleague Alexander Downer, the United States, Britain and many Territorians, in calling for President Habibie to release Xanana Gusmao?


Madam Speaker, I was not aware that I had been elevated to the lofty heights of Prime Minister or Foreign Minister of Australia. Nonetheless, I welcome the question. It has been asked of me before, and I have answered it before.

I do not understand the thrust of the question, but I have been following events in East Timor very closely. I am conscious that President Habibie and Bishop Belo have now met, and that some very constructive discussions have been taking place in East Timor, in Dili itself, with a view to granting greater autonomy. I note that, when the President of South Africa, Nelson Mandela, went to Jakarta, the president of the day afforded him the opportunity to meet with the resistance leader to whom the Leader of the Opposition referred. I would have thought that matters were progressing fairly satisfactorily.

However, I make this observation to the Leader of the Opposition. Do not start lecturing your neighbours on how they should conduct their affairs or run their business, because it is the height of arrogance. It is the absolute height of arrogance. I have confidence that Bishop Belo ...

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Mr STONE: Alexander Downer is our Foreign Minister and he has a perspective to put on behalf of the federal government which has the carriage of foreign affairs under the Australian Constitution. He quite rightly makes comment.

I am a longstanding and strong supporter of the East Timorese community in Darwin. That is something its members will say themselves, and they will acknowledge the support this government gives them. I encourage Bishop Belo in his discussions and negotiations with President Habibie. I believe that a greater degree of autonomy is achievable. Quite clearly, Ali Alatas, in his discussions with the Portuguese Foreign Minister under the auspices of the United Nations, is making considerable progress. I have every confidence that our neighbours will be able to resolve their differences in the time ahead.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016