Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1998-02-17

Can he confirm that, 3 weeks after the Tiwi blackout, only half of the transformers, ring main units and other electrical equipment blown out had been repaired? Why has it taken so long to fix these problems? Have delays been caused by a lack of spare parts, replacement parts and other shortages at the Power and Water Authority?

Mr Stone: He is more interested in this than in helping Katherine.


I appreciate that comment, Chief Minister. Thank you for your help.

Madam Speaker, I cannot confirm that at all. I have received no advice indicating that there have been any delays in repairing the power transmission lines in the Darwin area. It is my understanding that everybody was back on line within 13 hours and that, since that time, the systems have been operating satisfactorily.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016