Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr TOYNE - 2000-10-17

In a budget speech it was announced that in exchange for higher fuel prices $5.7m would be provided this year for, and I quote ‘a major new IT program in Territory schools’.

Since then, the minister has been unable to provide schools and parent groups with details of just what this major initiative means. While the government has consistently justified the proposed petrol price hike in terms of more computers for schools, the minister has been telling school councils that while there could be training and software no actual computers may be involved.

Could the minister now tell us whether the $5.7m will be actually spent this year and just what on?


Mr Speaker, well, excuse me while I recover from that assault by a one-winged butterfly. I have been going around the Territory and I have been talking to parents and school groups about the new IT program in schools. It will go ahead, but sadly, you are on record of saying you would not do it. I have been going around to schools and I have been telling parents this not about a kid/computer ratio; it is not about putting machines on desks. It is about integrating the technology of our time to deliver a better education. That is what it is about.

I said don’t expect to see a truck load of computers roll up. We will train our teachers first, we will get our curriculum right, we will get the funding in there and that is still subject to …

Dr Toyne: What happen to our school strategic plans, they have been chucked in the bin, I think.

Mr LUGG: Oh, please. Really. That one bit me on the big toe.

It is about planning and getting a strategic approach so that we can build on what we do here. This is not about putting glorified games machines on the desks, it is another tool to deliver a better service to the parents and kids of the Territory. It is about teaching them to use it, it is about getting our teachers comfortable …

Mr Stirling: They haven’t got any to learn on.

Mr LUGG: Oh look, just pipe down. If you are not interested in the answer go back where you were last week. Let your chair go cold again for all I care.

It is about delivering a better service and is about preparing to get this done properly not just plonking machines into place. In fact, we have a fairly good kid/computer ratio at the moment. We have 6000 computers in our school; the ratio is about 8:1. We will do better, we will do better but we will maximise the use and optimise the opportunity.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016