Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr TOYNE - 2000-02-29

On Sunday the Chief Minister announced that the prawn farm proposed by Phelps/Panizza would be relocated from Shoal Bay. The resolution of this contentious issue was made possible because of the willingness of the developer, Greg Phelps, to accommodate this change. Will the Chief Minister confirm that he will now support the consolidation of this crucial aquaculture development by 1) guaranteeing that the developer will be indemnified against additional costs of proving out the new site and holding back the start date; 2) honouring a native title agreement should it be brokered as an alternative to compulsory acquisition; 3) the government doing all it can to ensure a start to the prawn farm early in 2001 all following due process?


Mr Speaker, the issues raised by the honourable member are issues that are currently the subject of negotiations with the relevant ministers and the developer, and of course I stand by the undertakings that I gave at that meeting, that government will assist that project to find a new locality. That is being pursued now by the Minister for Lands, Planning and Environment. Environmental issues will be attended to. The issue of assistance, again the Minister for Industries and Business’s department, will attend to those issues. In terms of providing some security to the Shoal Bay area with regards to protecting that in the future as a barramundi nursery, again, that is in the minister’s portfolio area, and those issues will be processed.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016