Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 2000-05-10

The minister would be aware of the strong community interest in the Olympic Torch Relay due to start at Uluru next month. I ask the minister what the Territory is doing to assist the Olympic Organising Committee to make sure Territorians are closely involved with the relay and it’s special impact on all of us?


Mr Speaker, as a member representing the people of Central Australia it is quite appropriate that Dr Lim should ask the question he has as it will have a significant impact on Central Australia and Australia generally in a very positive way. On 8 June, the Olympic Torch first touches down in Australia and Olympic gold medallist Nova Peris-Kneebone, quite appropriately, will be the first runner with the flame. The significance of this ...

Members interjecting.

Mr REED: The interjections and the idle chatter from the Leader of the Opposition, which can be heard by people listening, clearly demonstrates she just does not care what is happening in the Territory ...

Ms MARTIN: A point of order, Mr Speaker! We have just identified that the member for Stuart is number 10 in the running.

Mr SPEAKER: There is no point of order. It would be a much better Question Time if there was not so much behind the scenes chatter while the minister is answering the questions.

Mr REED: Precisely, Mr Speaker. From the point of view of the Northern Territory, I am sure Territorians are interested in this issue because they, through their taxes, pay a lot of money for the Northern Territory Tourism Commission and it is millions of dollars a year to promote the Northern Territory nationally and internationally as a destination.

That considerable expenditure by the Tourist Commission in promoting the Northern Territory is going to be significantly complemented by the exposure that will be achieved by the Olympic Torch relay commencing at Uluru on 8 June and then moving to Alice Springs.

The Tourist Commission, in fact, has undertaken an assessment of the benefits that will flow in terms of exposure, and their view is that the Olympic Torch relay is likely to generate exposure for the Territory worth up to $30m. That will flow from the fact that more than 50 high-profile news organisations will beam images of classical central Australia as part of global coverage with the torch relay. That will generate that global exposure, particularly in relation to Uluru, which is an international icon, identifying Australia. It is one of the few, with the Barrier Reef and the Sydney Opera House, and we are very lucky, together with the other destinations in the Northern Territory, to have the Territory beamed internationally.

To give you some idea of the coverage, visiting media include TV crews from China, France, Germany, Japan, New Zealand, Asia, the UK, and the USA, while London’s Guardian and Daily Telegraph newspapers - just imagine the distribution and circulation that those 2 newspapers have - head the print media corps from the UK, Europe, Asia, Japan and the USA.

The exposure that the Territory and Australia, in turn, will achieve is considerable. That is why the government is cooperating and participating in relation to this matter, and on 8 June I will be at Yulara and at Uluru for the commencement of the torch relay to see Nova Peris-Kneebone, on behalf of Territorians, commence that wonderful torch relay and the benefits, as I say, will be in the order of $30m as far as the international exposure that we will get. Even the Labor Party might recognise that that is going to be of great benefit to us.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016