Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr RIOLI - 1998-08-13

In 1996, Nick Dondas promised Territorians that the first action he would take as a federal member would be to take a sledgehammer to the toll booth at Kakadu. Some 2 years after making that promise, will the minister advise whether Nick Dondas has wielded his sledgehammer, or are Territorians still waiting for him to take his first action?


Madam Speaker, this is a question for Nick Dondas, but I guess he was speaking figuratively at the time.

I think that, come statehood, we will discuss the implications for Kakadu National Park and Uluru National Park. I assure members opposite that the government’s position is that we wish to be involved in the management of those parks. Recently, there has been a breakthrough. We are able now to have on the board of management of those parks one of our own Parks and Wildlife people. Members can thank Mr Nick Dondas, the House of Representatives member for the Northern Territory for that.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BALDWIN: He has been working hard with his colleague, Senator Hill, to obtain that representation on those boards. I think we should applaud the efforts of our federal member in the House of Representatives, Mr Nick Dondas.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016