Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-05-16

The Territory has just passed through another wet season, fortunately with no major cyclones. Following Cyclone Thelma in December 1998, the minister ordered a review of cyclone procedures for Darwin and the suitability of the official cyclone shelter.

Will the minister agree to table the results of that review so that all of us who live and work in this town can see for ourselves the state of Darwin’s readiness for another major cyclone; if not, why not?


Mr Speaker, the residents of Darwin should be under no illusions that in the unfortunate event there was a cyclone that might threaten life and property, police, together with other members of the Fire and Emergency Services, would be very well placed to be able to protect property and Territorians, in particular. I have no illusions as to their ability to fulfil that role. I’m surprised that the member for Nhulunbuy seems to.

In the context of the review that was being undertaken I don’t, of course, have a copy of that on my desk. I will make some appropriate inquiries and see what information I can provide to the good member.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016