Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr ELFERINK - 1999-06-02

As the minister is aware, the Finke Desert Race is happening in a couple of weeks time in Alice Springs. What does the minister expect from the Finke Desert Race?


Mr Speaker, I thank the member for MacDonnell for his question because I know of his interest in this and the amount of support he’s given to the organisation. I know he’ll be there at the Finke weekend.

This year the race is going to be the biggest event in the race’s history. We have had more entries than ever before. There are over 300 entries - there are 92 cars and 210 bikes at the moment and entries still haven’t closed. They close on 10 June.

There has been much interest in this race. We’ve created a new Internet site this year and for the past 3 months there have been 13 000 hits on that Internet site as well as 400 just in the last week. So it’s creating tremendous interest. This week there will be a 10 minute promo on the American Network Television showing highlights of last year, so we’re really giving it a lot of emphasis.

Not only that, we have competitors coming not just from all around Australia but actually over the world as well. We have 10 Americans and one from Israel. That’s a tremendous boost for us to get these overseas competitors and, might I say, there is one female also coming from Kununurra to compete with the fellas, so I wish her luck.

There’s a lot of talent coming to this race. Mark Burrows, who’s the four-time Australia off road champion will be there. Paul Simpson and Darryl Wells, both 2-times Australia off road champions, will be there and they have actually turned their back on the Australia Off Road Championships held in Victoria at Sea Lake on that weekend because unfortunately it clashes. This particular event is one of 5 rounds they hold in Australia, and in doing so, by coming to the Finke, they’ve sacrificed points they could have gained from competing in the race at Sea Lake. They’re sending a very strong message to us that they think this is a very important event.

And of course, Tony Longhurst, the V8 supercar driver will compete again this year. This is his second Finke. He probably learnt a few things from last year’s try, and he’s coming back to show us how to do it again. And Steven Greenfield, who is the current champion, and has been so for the last 2 years, will be down there defending his championship.

It is not surprising there’s so much interest this year. There’s $57 000 total prize pool money up for grabs, and there’s also $11 000 for the fastest in the desert. Will it be a car or will it be bike - that’s always the question every year. I think the cars are getting closer and closer as it goes along.

Government will ensure this year’s event is promoted better than ever. Government has hired a film company to produce and provide daily highlights free to all the local and national television organisations, as well as producing a 30-minute documentary of this year’s event, and this documentary will be aired on American cable television and, of course, it will lift the profile of the event no matter where it’s aired.

A short video promo will also be made from this year’s Finke to be used to seek sponsorship for the year 2000. It’s always difficult for this group of volunteers to get the sponsorship they need.

We need to acknowledge the work done by this tireless group of volunteers. They’ve done it year after year, and they’ve done it because they love the sport and the challenge of the Finke. It’s 260 km to Finke, 260 km back. It’s quite a difficult race, and we all know how many fall by the wayside. They ensure that there are first aid people on stand-by and they have helicopters to make sure they can reach people in case there’s a bad accident. They have done it so thoroughly …

Mr Bailey: How can you make it sound so boring, Loraine?

Mrs BRAHAM: I’m sorry? Well, that’s a good thing.

Members interjecting.

Mrs BRAHAM: We needed to know you think it’s boring because you’re not interested in Alice Springs are you, John?

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Order!

Mrs BRAHAM: We know that you’d rather hear about something in Wanguri. It’s really sad.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! The member for Wanguri

Mrs BRAHAM: Yes, this is the Berrimah line again from the opposition. They don’t care a darn about central Australia.

We have to commend the tireless group of workers who’ve been doing this for some time, and also Ruth O’Brien, who has worked for the past 6 months. She is with the Northern Territory Major Events Company that this government established, and she has been a great support to them. I welcome all members to Alice Springs on the weekend. Perhaps we won’t see the member for Wanguri, but we can understand why. He’s not really interested in central Australia. I commend the volunteers who’ve worked so hard on this event.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016