Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1999-06-02

The opposition often complains the government steals its policies. Having heard the opposition leader yesterday, presenting her alternative budget last sittings and her brochure critique yesterday, did the Acting Chief Minister hear any opposition policies worth listening to, let alone worth stealing?


Well, the only policy we’ve heard from the opposition in recent times is the fact that they’ve cancelled all of their policies. They have, of course, not had the capacity to develop their own in response to community needs, but have had to import some of the Labor operatives from interstate to assist them. This is because they don’t have either the capacity themselves to develop their own policies, nor in fact do they have the assistance from their party machine to be able to direct them in such a regard to be able to benefit Territorians.

The document and the statement presented yesterday by the Chief Minister demonstrated that the government has the vision to meet the needs of Territorians to continue the wonderful economic growth that we’ve experienced - the strongest economic growth in this nation.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Ms Martin interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: I don’t know what it is they don’t like about success, but every time you talk about success, they get upset. They don’t like to think of ...

Mr Ah Kit: It’s the closest you’ll ever go.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: What are you, a pygmy on steroids? That’s what you are. There’s a word from a pygmy on steroids. That’s the best contribution that he can make to the debate in this House.

I draw to the attention of the Leader of the Opposition the brochure that was released yesterday by the Chief Minister, that does show the vision that this government has to be able to keep providing jobs for Territorians, to be able to develop the resources that Territorians seek to enjoy. The wonderful sporting facilities, the schools, the wonderful equipment that we have in our schools, the good health services.

The honourable Leader of the Opposition, instead of chewing on the cover of the folder, might pick it up and have a look at the reverse side and look at the next steps.

Members interjecting.

Mr SPEAKER: Order!

Mr REED: There’s a program there. There’s a program that the honourable Leader of the Opposition didn’t even have the capacity to read and understand, and I can appreciate why she’s been incapable of recognising the benefits of the statement that the Chief Minister made yesterday.

Mr Bailey: You’ve read it, now see the video.

Mr SPEAKER: Order! Would the Acting Chief Minister please resume his seat. There is far too much interjection on the opposition benches. I don’t mind short, sharp interjection, but the continual interjection that we’re hearing from some members is just over the top. I ask you to stop and remind you of Standing Order 248.

Mr REED: Thank you Mr Speaker, and I’m sure that the people listening to this broadcast would appreciate your remarks, and some silence, so that they can hear what the government has in terms of matters that are of great interest to Territorians; that is, their future.

The next steps, clearly defined on the brochure distributed by the Chief Minister yesterday, demonstrate that, in June and July, the minister, Chief Minister, and the executive officers appointed to progress the plans for each of the foundation areas will be operational. There will be round table discussions with Aboriginal leaders, community representatives and land councils to further consult on Aboriginal involvement - which is very important, not only from the point of view of Aboriginal communities but, naturally, in relation to regional development across the Northern Territory. You’d think members like the member for Stuart, the member for Arnhem and the member for Arafura might be interested in those components of the speech rather than the vacuous remarks that were made by the Leader of the Opposition in her response.

Promotion of Foundations ForOur Future helps public sector agencies to focus on the part they will play in delivering outcomes. The professionalism and the drive in the Northern Territory Public Service will see the implementation of these programs come forward in a very useful way to Territorians.

In August 1999, ministers will be bringing detailed plans to parliament for the following foundation areas to build on a successful resource based economy and to become the supply service and distribution centre for the region. I won’t go through them all, but I’m sure Territorians who receive a copy of this brochure will recognise it as more than a ‘glossy’, as referred to by the Leader of the Opposition. Territorians will have the capacity to see that this government is all about maintaining the strong economic development. It’s maintaining job growth and opportunities for Territorians and it’s maintaining very good services for Territorians no matter where they live, be it in Darwin or remote parts of the Northern Territory, and that’s the drive that this government has.

They are the policies that we will continue to build on. They are the benefits that will flow to Territorians as opposed to the policy-free zone that the 7 members opposite represent.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016