Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-10-17

Mr PALMER (Leader of Government Business): Mr Speaker, I ask that questions for the Chief Minister and areas under his portfolio responsibilities be directed to the Deputy Chief Minister.


The opposition has continually raised the issue of police resources to curb the growing incidence of crime and each time we are criticised for it. Today’s NT News carries the concerns of the president of the Small Business Association, Mr Bob Vander-Wal, following a rampage by vandals in Winnellie on Sunday and I quote:

The vandals must have rampaged around for more than an hour. Where were the police all that time, why are there no police patrols in the area? I really don’t believe police are doing enough to protect small businesses in Darwin, something must be done

What will you tell Mr Vander-Wal? Will you say that spending $250 000 in government polling is more important than funding extra police patrols in Darwin?


Mr Speaker, I will tell the gentleman that this government has increased substantially the police numbers in the Northern Territory to about 929, the highest they have ever been, the highest level of police to the population ratio in Australia. I will tell him we have increased substantially the funding for police over the last few years and, indeed, over the last decade. So I think the police budget is about double. I will tell him that the police are currently installing a new radio network that will greatly enhance radio communications for police officers, providing them with the ability to respond quicker and to be more efficient in their operations, not that they aren’t.

I will tell him that we have provided them with new computer equipment. I will tell him that they have a modern and well maintained vehicle fleet and as indicated by the Leader of the Opposition, I will not tell him that police are not appropriately serving the people of the Northern Territory, and if that is the belief clearly of the shadow spokesman for police, police will no doubt be interested to hear that.

I have every sympathy for the comments made by Mr Vander-Wal and those people who have had property damaged. It is a serious issue and it impacts on their businesses quite understandably and the financial impact that it has is regretted. However, it does not matter how many police you do have, they cannot be ...

Mr Toyne: They are all in the station. It does not happen.

Mr REED: ... everywhere, and from the, well, the member for Stuart now interjects and suggests, as does the opposition police spokesman that police are not operating effectively or professionally or providing the services they believe they should to the people of the Northern Territory.

It does not matter how many police you have, they cannot be everywhere and it is a fact of life that police have an enormous number of issues to respond to in any given shift and we have recognised that as a government. We have vastly improved the resources of police both in manpower terms and in equipment and the modernisation of equipment and I think the people of the Northern Territory recognise that.

As far as those particular issues are concerned, the police do take note of these sorts of matters that are raised by members of the public and, in this case the business community. It is regrettable that there are people in our society who undertake these kinds of actions and that they are so grossly irresponsible in doing so. But can I close by requesting anyone who has information in relation to this particular incident or, for that matter, any other incident that police are called upon to investigate, that they provide whatever information they can to police in the efforts to have these people apprehended.

I am advised by the Police Commissioner that senior police will call in and see Mr Vander-Wal today and, as you would expect, they will be discussing this particular matter with him. But, notwithstanding the fact that the Deputy Leader of the Opposition and the opposition spokesman for police, believes that police are not performing adequately, we recognise that they are. But we also recognise, as a government, that the demands on police are ever increasing and, sadly, this is just another reflection of those increases.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016