Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-10-08

During this year’s budget an announcement was made regarding a comprehensive examination of the public sector functions and associated outlays and receipts to be completed prior to the consideration of forward estimates in November. I am aware this review has been proceeding under the title of ‘Planning For Growth’. Is the Treasurer able to provide an update of how the review is proceeding?


Madam Speaker, the member for Nelson is obviously interested in these matters and they are very important. We have in the Northern Territory, the highest population growth in the country and, as a government. We have to make sure that the priorities of government are directed at providing the best resources and the best services to Territorians to ensure that they can have the very best of services from our public service. That is what the Planning for Growth process has been all about.

At the outset, Territorians should be very proud of the public sector which services them. They are very professional, they are dedicated and they do a wonderful job across all the agencies in providing services to Territorians. The government certainly appreciates that effort and is concerned, and I have been concerned, to take every effort to minimise any impact or apprehension that might have been generated through the Planning for Growth process. Any change that has being talked about or considered does create some apprehension and we have taken every effort to minimise that throughout the course of the process.

The unions have been cooperative throughout the course of the process. They have been kept in touch with the advance of Planning of Growth. Only last week I met with them, last Thursday in fact, and I went through some of the issues that are being considered under the Planning for Growth umbrella, and explained to them some of the issues that we are considering. I appreciate their confidentiality. One might expect that, in an election week, there could have been a temptation for some matters to be used for certain purposes. But the professionalism of quite a number of the union people who were in my office and to whom I spoke was demonstrated by the fact that they displayed utmost confidentiality in relation to the Planning for Growth issues that we did discuss. I appreciate that, and that certainly facilitates a continuance of that consultative process.

So the advance of Planning for Growth is now at a stage where it is possible, Cabinet having made some decisions and continuing to consider matters, to make some announcements. It is worthy of note that many suggestions have come forward from public servants themselves in relation to how greater efficiencies could be achieved and how resources could be better allocated within the public sector. Many of those suggestions have been adopted, accepted, and I think that again underlines the professionalism and the dedication of the public sector employees in the Northern Territory.

I can advise the honourable member that I will be making some announcements next week in relation to Planning for Growth processes. The decisions that the government has made will certainly benefit the public sector and, in turn, the quality and level of services provided to Territorians.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016