Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1997-12-04

Last night, honourable members were subjected to the passionate plea of the Deputy Chief Minister about the influence of X-rated gay pornography on young men. He repeated remarks of that kind today on the Fred McCue show. Will the Attorney-General tell Territorians whether his government is moving to ban X-rated videos or, if it is not, what the hell his deputy is on about?


Madam Speaker, no doubt the Leader of the Opposition would like to find some mischief in all of this, but the simple answer is that this government is not moving to ban X-rated videos.

Mrs Hickey interjecting.

Mr STONE: You can interject, but you misrepresent him entirely. In fact, when he was asked the question on radio this morning, he said that he was not supporting a ban on X-rated videos. You can try to cause as much mischief as you like, but you know that is not the truth. In fact, if anyone is soft on all of this, it is you lot. The CLP government has vigilantly defended the right of Territorians to view material of their own choice. We would be one of the most libertarian governments in Australia, and we are proud of it.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016