Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Dr LIM - 1997-12-01

During the Northern Territory election campaign, Labor asserted in its health policy - which it purported to be original - that it would see ‘the development of an appropriate and sustainable mix of public and community health services’. Does the minister agree with that statement?


Madam Speaker, I agree with the statement. The reason I agree with that statement is that those are my words. I made the point during the election campaign that the ALP had no plans and no ideas, and that that was particularly sad in respect of such an important aspect of public policy. I shall explain that a little further this morning.

Mr Bailey interjecting.

Mr BURKE: This is particularly important in this particular Question Time when we listen to the guardians of our democracy, this righteous rabble, this magnificent 7, this group whose leader said only last week on ABC radio that, in this term of government, they would get down and do some work. Let me show members how these people get down and do some work. When they ask questions and make statements on health in the future, I hope Territorians view their questions in the light of the work that they actually get down and do.

I have 2 documents here. One is a ministerial statement that I delivered in this House on 24 April this year, 4 months prior to the election. The other

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is the ALP health policy. In my statement, I said the first strategy was ‘to develop an appropriate and sustainable mix of public hospital and community health services’. If you open the ALP health policy, you will see its first priority is ‘the development of an appropriate and sustainable mix of public and community health services’. In my statement, I said the second strategy was ‘to develop appropriate preventive strategies in Aboriginal health’. The ALP’s second priority is ‘the implementation of appropriate preventive strategies, particularly in Aboriginal health’. I said that our fourth strategy was ‘to develop community services appropriate to the changing needs of the Territory population’. The ALP’s fourth priority is ‘the setting in place of community services appropriate to the needs of the Territory population’. This is theft. This is plagiarism.

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order!

Mr BURKE: As any member opposite with a university degree knows, if they go to any tutor’s or professor’s door, they will see a sign stating: ‘If you plagiarise, you will fail’. Territorians saw the plagiarism, and the plagiarists failed. If they want to get out and do some work during this term, the first thing they must do is get off their gluteus maximus and do their own work instead of plagiarising the work of hardworking public servants.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016