Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr LUGG - 1998-08-11

The recent Shell Australian Touring Car round at Hidden Valley was a resounding success, with obviously many economic spin-offs. Would the minister care to comment about further opportunities and additional boosts to the tourism industry?


Madam Speaker, honourable members would surely agree that the touring car event that was held here at Hidden Valley was by any standards a resounding success. Reports in the national media continue even this week, with descriptions such as ‘monstrous success’ and ‘outstanding success’ being repeated time and time again. It is a great credit to the many government agencies and to the sponsors and contractors who were involved in putting on this event.

What we now need to do is build on this success in future years - in particular, in the 4 years for which we have secured the touring car event. Our priority at this stage is to secure the best possible date for the running of the event, next year and hopefully after that. While we have input into that scenario, it does rely on a number of other factors. All other venues around Australia are competing for various dates, so the decision will not be entirely in our hands. We hope for a date earlier in the tourist season so that the event does not clash with all the other attractions at this time of year. Some time in June would be ideal.

The department is undertaking an economic study to assess the positive impacts of the touring car event. This is simply the start, we believe. Not only do we have the V8s here for 4 years running, but we also have the very real prospect that other events, both national and international, will be held at Hidden Valley, now that promoters are aware of the professional facilities and the first-class organisation that this government has provided.

I place on record my personal congratulations to the likes of the Marshall Perron, Paul Cattermole and Robin Darbin who put in a first-class effort. Many government agencies had a tremendous impact and a positive input - in particular, Transport and Works, Sport and Recreation, the Darwin Bus Service, the Power and Water Authority and to some extent DCAT – along with the sponsors, the contractors and of course all the volunteers.

I think the event highlighted one of the reasons why this government continues to be a success and why this is such a go-getter region. It did not matter if it was a government agency or a private contractor or a volunteer. The job was done, regardless of how difficult or how challenging it was. I think that sums up the whole philosophy of people in the Northern Territory. We can only look for even bigger and better things in motor sport as a flow-on from this most successful weekend.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016