Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mrs HICKEY - 1998-04-23

The Chief Minister has said that he will fix the high prices for fuel paid by Territorians by Monday of next week. This plan involves a one-off quick fix that will have no lasting impact. The Chief Minister has ignored motorists outside Darwin and the desperate need to deal with the root causes of high fuel prices. Will the minister support my move to establish a fuel price inquiry as the first strong step towards finding a lasting solution, or will he betray Territory motorists as has the Chief Minister?


Madam Speaker, if betrayal means a reduction in fuel prices of between 2› to 3› because of the actions ...

Mr Toyne: How long will that last?

Mr COULTER: ... that the Chief Minister has taken already ...

Ms Martin: It will not last, Barry. You know that.

Mr COULTER: ... then bring on betrayal. I think he has done very well in that regard.

Mr Bailey: How much has the price changed down the Track?

Mr COULTER: Let me talk about down the Track. I am very fortunate ...

Members interjecting.

Madam SPEAKER: Order! I ask the minister to resume his seat for a moment. Opposition members, you asked a question. Your interjections are interfering with the minister giving his answer. I suggest that you do not continue today in that vein. Member for Fannie Bay, I spoke to you a number of times yesterday. Member for Wanguri, you were also cautioned yesterday. This is just a warning very early in Question Time.

Mr COULTER: I will pick up the interjection from the member for Wanguri. I am very fortunate indeed in that I live within 1.5 km of the 3 cheapest fuel outlets in the Northern Territory. Sam's Fuel has petrol at 74 or 75 and the others are the Boomerang Caravan Park in Virginia Road, and Coolalinga. We do very well in the rural area. Those service stations, all past Berrimah, are owned outright. They have fewer overheads and they pass on the savings to the customer. Instead of operating 24 hours a day, they offer cheap fuel. They are very popular in the area. If it can be done at 3 locations within 1.5 km of my house, I wish honourable members the same success, although I assure them it has nothing to do with my living in the area.

I do not believe that I will be supporting the Leader of the Opposition in this regard. I have tried for many years to encourage other people into the Northern Territory to sell fuel. If the Leader of the Opposition wishes to encourage competition, she should be aware that I have been trying to do just that. I have talked to Pertamina about coming to the Northern Territory. I have talked to Alan Scott of Ascot Transport about buying a fuel tanker and having service stations in the Northern Territory. I think a huge amount of money could be made in 3 years.

Regarding the Woolworths option, the Leader of the Opposition is welcome to phone Reg Clare and tell him that Woolworths has a great idea that Labor will support. What we do not need is another reference to the Public Accounts Committee. It would take too long. We need action now. The Chief Minister is able to get that action and I encourage him to continue with his representations on behalf of Northern Territory motorists in the forthright manner that he has demonstrated so far.

Madam SPEAKER: I draw members' attention to standing order 65. No member may be referred to by any other member by name, even in interjection. It makes interjections extraordinarily personal. I suggest members stop doing that.

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Last updated: 09 Aug 2016