Department of the Legislative Assembly, Northern Territory Government

Mr STIRLING - 2000-02-24

The Attorney-General’s public remark, which he has continued to repeat, of a totally corrupt justice system, has undermined public confidence in all aspects of that justice system. Last night it was reported to the general public that the Attorney-General had single handedly so poisoned public perception making it impossible for justice to be seen to be done. This lack of public confidence caused by the Attorney-General has vast legal implications.

Exactly how does the Attorney-General intend to restore public confidence in our justice system which he has crippled with his idiotic, damaging and untrue remarks?


Mr Speaker, I would expect the justice system itself will work to restore public confidence where public confidence may be lessening in certain areas. I can only say again what I have said before and that is that, in my capacity as the Attorney-General, I will not resile from speaking out on issues that I believe affect the average Territorian. I will not resile on speaking out on the sorts of issues that I believe the average Territorian feels affects them as they go about their daily life and where they come into contact with the justice system, where that system is supporting or failing them in their belief. I believe that is part of my duties and I will continue to discharge that duty to the best of my ability. With regards to the support of the average Territorian, I will, as all members on this side of the House do, work tirelessly each day to maintain that support.
Last updated: 09 Aug 2016